Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence [is] fulness of joy; at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore.

    PSALMS 16:11

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  Title Date
The Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire..........III
Baptism of the Holy Ghost ….....Part III This will be the last article on this series. The subject is inexhaustible because we are talking ...
01 May 2012
I Was Not Disobedient Unto the Heavenly Vision II
continuing.... (I have chosen as a picture caption, the contrast of these two pictures, it was reported that the brighter coloured one which was take...
12 Apr 2012
I Was Not Disobedient unto the Heavenly Vision I
FOREWORD All scripture is given by inspiration; therefore 1st Corinthians 12:27 to 31 is inspired of God and it is my honest belief that God is se...
12 Apr 2012
Baptism of the Holy Ghost -continue...
Loosing that feeling? (Easter Message) The love of God is missing in today's generation whatever you wish to call it, Gen X, Y or Z. There is...
06 Apr 2012
Brother Fred Francis Bosworth
Fred Francis Bosworth (F. F Bosworth) In the intervening years between the 1906 Azusa Street Revival and the Healing Revivals 1947 – 1959 ...
22 Mar 2012
The Baptism of the Holy Ghost
The Promise of the Father ! This article is one of the most serious article I have written as it brings to the front, the compelling and needful e...
05 Mar 2012
The False doctrine of Ham having incest
I was led to write further on my own childhood life a very important stage of my life as we moved from Victoria Street to the tiny island of Pulau Bra...
10 Feb 2012
Those who called themselves the seven voices thunders today
(Editor: 25th Jan 2023, I took down this page after I explained to Brother Nice, my use of the term, "got hold". I would have thought he too...
14 Jan 2012
11th November 1918, Armistice Day.
"armistice" means a cessation of hostilities as a prelude to peace negotiations.  In the context of the First World War 'the armist...
11 Nov 2011
Deepavali Message : Jesus the Light of the World
58-0316E  DOOR.TO.THE.HEART_  HARRISONBURG.VA  SUNDAY_   E-27  Did you know we got...The Christian church has its greatest ...
26 Oct 2011
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