Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

    PROVERBS 22:6

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400 years of the King James Bible
Good news. (Update: 26th Jan 2013 - The link given below is no more accessible. Go to this site for the Official King James Bible Online). Thomas ...
10 Jul 2011
Honour thy father and mother
I can't proceed without a tribute to mom and dad. Mom died when she was 72 in 1993 and Dad at 85 in 2002. They were baptized in Christian Baptism ...
09 Jul 2011
Merchants of pain
I must not leave this page without further elaborations of life along the five foot way, or" go kaki" in Fujian dialect. On our right as we ...
04 Jul 2011
Chinese New Years and Funerals
Fresh water eels and more eels for dinner and lunch. My dad worked in odd jobs and I remembered well every night he would come home with a full gallon...
30 Jun 2011
A common man's perspective
We were poor, four of us living in Tai Gin Road just next to the Whampoa River or canal more of a country side but 200 meters from the main road and c...
27 Jun 2011
From my heart to yours.......
Living in Singapore, born a British subject in 8th Dec. 1950 on a day of the worst history of Singapore over the Maria Hertogh riot, December 11th, &n...
27 Jun 2011
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