The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.


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Yeouido - Seoul, South Korea.
Kita, the Korean International Trade Association invited some medical companies to send at least 2 representatives to participate in the 6th Gangwon I...
16 Oct 2011
Beyond the Curtain of Time..........
Beyond The Curtain of Time This tract by Brother William Marrion Branham is an excerpt from the sermon The Rejected King delivered on Sund...
14 Sep 2011
Conquering Power of Love
Can a man tells a woman or a boy tells a girl "I love you" without any connotations of getting physical? That it is just Love in its happine...
30 Aug 2011
THE.INVESTMENTS_  BEAUMONT.TX  SATURDAY_  64-0314   24      May the Lord add His blessings to the Word ...
24 Aug 2011
You never mean to do that....but from That Time.......
FROM.THAT.TIME_  SPOKANE.WA  FRIDAY_  62-0713   E-35    Now, time, as time goes on, from time to time things happ...
06 Aug 2011
Brother George Smith's letter to a former Singaporean
From: Bro. George Smith   Date: 9/01/2008 4:01:41 PM To: Joseph Saigal (Gmail) Subject: Response from Bro. George Smith   Bro....
30 Jul 2011
Remember, there are 3 curtains..........
Here are the links to stories of the 3 curtains. The term Iron Curtain was the symbolic ideologic and physical boundary dividing Europe into two se...
25 Jul 2011
Marriage and Divorce, Polygamy cont'ning...
How far to the beginning will one go back to when Jesus said: He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put ...
23 Jul 2011
Explaining Marriage, divorce, polygamy, single parent, widows and orphans……...
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted f...
19 Jul 2011
Why 3 Curtains
Why 3 Curtains TO.TAKE.ON.THE.WHOLE.ARMOR.OF.GOD_  SANTA.MARIA.CA  SUNDAY_  62-0701   E-39    There's thr...
12 Jul 2011
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