This poor man cried, and the LORD heard [him], and saved him out of all his troubles.

    PSALMS 34:6

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  Title Date
What is the Sabbath today, and how do we keep it?
What is the Sabbath today, and how do we keep it? This month subject was triggered by the testimony last Sunday, the 29th of September, of a yo...
01 Oct 2013
Dove Leading Eagle
These few days, I knew I was short of writing an article for the web site, putting some of my thoughts on the media. Those who are interested to read ...
07 Sep 2013
The Order of His Coming
The Order of the Resurrection........... As we see the days of fulfillment of prophecies right before our very eyes, we are reminded why God sent N...
27 Jul 2013
The Spoken Word Bible
Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God......... The bible is a wonderful  book. It is the book of all...
14 Jul 2013
The Beginning of the End
David and Goliath I kept going back thinking about the time of Noah or the antediluvian age. To the time before God flooding the earth with a deva...
22 May 2013
Understanding the Sermon Stature of A Perfect Man.
I have been in travail as to what to write next as I considered the many events that had transpired since my last article. Today, one cannot help but ...
24 Apr 2013
Law or Grace
IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR_  JEFF.IN  V-2 N-11  SUNDAY_  62-1230E   30-3    Now, listen close. The seven...
18 Mar 2013
The Mysterious Cloud - 28th Feb 1963
Firstly, I would like to greet our Chinese readers a very blessed Lunar New Year, welcoming Spring, when Life begins. Brother Branham clearly tells us...
12 Feb 2013
The Seven Thunders
The Seven Thunders Following our Friday Bible Study where we take one of Brother Branham’s tape. We  listened and commented on the quotes ...
28 Jan 2013
It's Later than We Think
A subtitle could be "Lets keep pressing on". If anyone had asked me the same time last year when I was admitted into Tan Tock Seng Hospital ...
30 Dec 2012
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