Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

    PSALMS 34:19

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  Title Date
Who Is Melchizedek, Where is He Today?
Who is Melchizedek (or Melchisedec – NT spelling) and where is He today. Yes, you would notice I used the capital “H” for He. Why...
19 Jun 2016
Jesus of the New Testament is Jehovah of the Old Testament
Jesus of the New Testament is Jehovah of the Old Testament Mine, is this another clinger? Is this correct ? Is Jesus Christ of the New Testament, t...
11 Jun 2016
I and My Father are ONE
I and My Father ARE ONE (John 10:30) What a statement. Immediately the Jews wanted to stone Him because when Jesus said that, the Jews knew He was ...
06 Jun 2016
The Next Exodus
  After our series on the Serpent Seed, it seems very appropriate to continue our study of the bible in Exodus, how the Egyptian was s...
21 Apr 2016
The Serpent Seed - Appendix 2/2
The Serpent Seed - Appendix 2/2 continued from 1/2 There are other conjectures about who Bilhah and Zilpah were, but without the Word to subs...
18 Mar 2016
The Serpent Seed - Appendix 1/2
The Serpent Seed VI - Appendix 1. Bi Paternal Twins An article in Yahoo News, and AOL (American On-line) pointed to the first tested case of bi-p...
17 Mar 2016
The Serpent Seed V - The Bruised Serpent
The Serpent Seed V – The Bruised Serpent on the Pole Finally we come to the most important aspect of the Serpent Seed. Why Christ got to come...
06 Mar 2016
The Serpent Seed IV - The Seed of the Woman.
The Serpent Seed IV – The Seed of the woman. In the sermon, three kind of believers, the prophet laid out for us that there these three chara...
28 Feb 2016
The Serpent Seed III - The Tree of Life
The Serpent Seed III – What kind of Tree is the Tree of Life? Before we proceed on the Tree of Life in this article, we continue with the sub...
16 Feb 2016
The Serpent Seed II - Who are the Nephilims and Anakims
Serpent Seed II – The Giants or (Hebrew: Nephilims) of Genensis 6 and Numbers 13 In continuation of my understanding of the truth of the Serp...
10 Jan 2016
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