Ecc 9:11   I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.


    ECC 9:11
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The Order of His Coming 27 July 2013 
The Order of the Resurrection........... As we see the days of fulfillment of prophecies right before our very eyes, we are reminded why God sent Noah to warn of the impending flood of  the whole earth where all whose breath were in...
The Spoken Word Bible 14 July 2013 
Rom 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God......... The bible is a wonderful  book. It is the book of all books and carry within its pages, Words of Life. It is God’s love letter to humanity, especia...
The Beginning of the End 22 May 2013 
David and Goliath I kept going back thinking about the time of Noah or the antediluvian age. To the time before God flooding the earth with a devastating flood. Everyone outside the ark whose breathing is from the nostrils died. The creatures tha...
Understanding the Sermon Stature of A Perfect Man. 24 April 2013 
I have been in travail as to what to write next as I considered the many events that had transpired since my last article. Today, one cannot help but notice people who were once stalwarts of the message, song leaders for years, gave wonderful testimo...
Law or Grace 18 March 2013 
IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR_  JEFF.IN  V-2 N-11  SUNDAY_  62-1230E   30-3    Now, listen close. The seventh angel of Revelations 10:7 is the seventh church age messenger. See? Now, watch. And in the days.....
The Mysterious Cloud - 28th Feb 1963 12 February 2013 
Firstly, I would like to greet our Chinese readers a very blessed Lunar New Year, welcoming Spring, when Life begins. Brother Branham clearly tells us that Jesus was born in Spring like all Lambs, in April......when the Shepherds were out in the fiel...
The Seven Thunders 28 January 2013 
The Seven Thunders Following our Friday Bible Study where we take one of Brother Branham’s tape. We  listened and commented on the quotes and paragraphs. At the same time, we crossed reference with some of the revelations within the searc...
It's Later than We Think 30 December 2012 
A subtitle could be "Lets keep pressing on". If anyone had asked me the same time last year when I was admitted into Tan Tock Seng Hospital with a large hydrocele, excessive water retention, water logged legs and chest and weighing close to...
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