Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun.

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Was It An Apple 02 January 2016 
Serpent Seed I : Was It An Apple (Editor: We start this series on the truth of the Serpent Seed as recorded in the bible and revealed to the prophets. This first part taken verbatim from the track written by Brother R. Searle of New Zealand, a tru...
Refreshed 29 November 2015 
I am late for this month's article, as I weighed the two prime themes almost burning in my heart to express them to you, which are the 1) “full expression of the Word of God” or 2) “fuller details on the Serpent Seed”. And...
The Beginning of the Creation of God 24 October 2015 
This subject is one which was left out of traditional church theology. That is  until this prophet came and began to expound the full meaning of this verse found in Revelation. Rev 3:14 (14) And unto the angel of the church of the Laodicea...
The End of All Things 26 September 2015 
Today, this very moment as I meditate on the Word of the Lord, hearing some of those anointed singing in you-tube, and just being absorbed in worship and praises of Him who is to be exalted. "Ang Tanging Alay Ko", "I will Sing" an...
The Blast and Mist (Fog) III 02 September 2015 
  Continuing.... SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFF.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 65-0718E 80 I got in the room there and got to speaking to God. I run my concordance to take Him back to Daniel, where it said, "And he came to the ...
The Blast and the Mist (Fog) 02 September 2015 
The sermon traces how God meet His prophets on Mountains, from Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Jesus and now the Seventh Angel Messenger.  This sermon is  "What is the Attraction on the Mountain " It more or less summarises the orde...
The Blast and Mist (Fog) II 02 September 2015 
A brother captured all the relevant quotes pertaining to the Angelic Visitation, the chronology of and the supernatural remark about the Angels by the prophet, three (Editor: in fact four) of which referred to the Angels returning (to where they were...
The men at Windsor, Canada II 24 August 2015 
  In continuation of the men at Windsor. 2-0124 HAVE.NOT.I.SENT.THEE_ PHOENIX.AZ WEDNESDAY_ « E-142 † I know a man tonight setting paralyzed, been that way for several years. When I was up there at Zion City, when that man s...
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