He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

    PSALMS 107:20
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You never mean to do that....but from That Time....... 06 August 2011 
FROM.THAT.TIME_  SPOKANE.WA  FRIDAY_  62-0713   E-35    Now, time, as time goes on, from time to time things happen that leaves an impression on our life. For instance, like we say, the immoral woman. I've had...
Brother George Smith's letter to a former Singaporean 30 July 2011 
From: Bro. George Smith   Date: 9/01/2008 4:01:41 PM To: Joseph Saigal (Gmail) Subject: Response from Bro. George Smith   Bro. Joseph, Greetings on this fine day in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The subject of the mys...
Remember, there are 3 curtains.......... 25 July 2011 
Here are the links to stories of the 3 curtains. The term Iron Curtain was the symbolic ideologic and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II until the end of the Cold War.  Roughly from 1945  to 1991...
Marriage and Divorce, Polygamy cont'ning... 23 July 2011 
How far to the beginning will one go back to when Jesus said: He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.  (Mat 19:8 KJV) Which beginning ? The...
Explaining Marriage, divorce, polygamy, single parent, widows and orphans……… 19 July 2011 
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.  (Jas 1:27 KJV)   We start our bible lesson with this exhortation from th...
Why 3 Curtains 12 July 2011 
Why 3 Curtains TO.TAKE.ON.THE.WHOLE.ARMOR.OF.GOD_  SANTA.MARIA.CA  SUNDAY_  62-0701   E-39    There's three curtains. As I leave you this afternoon, I leave this with you. Remember, there's three curta...
400 years of the King James Bible 10 July 2011 
Good news. (Update: 26th Jan 2013 - The link given below is no more accessible. Go to this site for the Official King James Bible Online). Thomas Nelson Publishing is celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible and is presenting a V...
Honour thy father and mother 09 July 2011 
I can't proceed without a tribute to mom and dad. Mom died when she was 72 in 1993 and Dad at 85 in 2002. They were baptized in Christian Baptism sometime in 1990 two years after my son, John was born. I don't even know where Mom and Dad w...
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