About this websiteThis website is created for the sole purpose of explaning the ministry of Bro Branham from my perspective.![]() Since 1972, Bro Branham has been the greatest influence over my life. Having read the bible many times over, there were issues and areas I could not understand which I put them in a back burner. But discovering this ministry changes that. Every question is now answered in a clear concise and simple manner. Today, I am still surprised over existing misunderstanding or the incapability of the world to understand the true meaning and intent of the Lord's messages to us. For example, National Geographically featured a video of Cain and Abel and the commentator said they just can't understand why Cain's offering was rejected by God. Another is the fact that a young King of Gerar hardly 36 years of age, falling in love with an 89 years grandma, called Sarah, the wife of Abraham? Or the genealogy of Jesus Christ falling short of one generation, 13 rather than the biblical 14? What about Serpent seed, the seed of Cain and true understanding of Marriage and Divorce, even questions on Pre or Post Tribulation and the list goes on. Most importantly, the Mystery of God in Rev 10:7. Welcome to Pastor Peter's Site![]() It was also the wish of Brother Branham to be able to have something like powerpoint when he wanted to present his ideas in a graphical manner when he was preaching but all he could have at that time were just the chalk board and prepared simplified drawings. Some of these drawings were lost except for the picture he asked Sister Rebekah to draw on the 70 weeks of Daniel. In Q&A, 1964, he explained that there was only a 1/2 week left to be fulfilled, the first half being the 3 1/2 years of Jesus ministry on earth where the sacrifices and oblations were done away with, by the tearing (renting) of the Veil when He bowed His head and gave up the ghost (His Spirit). Though that diagram showed that there remaineth one week in time..........more to come 2017 - A very poignant year. 60-1231 REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.1_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN ROJC 551-584 SATURDAY_ ? 14 ? So how many is glad and happy the Lord spared you through another year? And here we are, coming up to the end of the road. And pray that God will forgive us of all of our sins and our shortcomings. Now, I want to say this before I start. I wish, to each one of you all, the most successful and blessful and healthy new year that I can wish to you. God be with you! May you grow both physically, and spiritually, and financially, and materially. Everything that God can bring upon you, I pray that He'll do it. I certainly count it a great privilege, in fact, I do not believe I could be extended a greater privilege than being able to, uh, welcome Brother Branham to this convention and also to introduce him to you. I have known of Brother Branham for many years, I think it’s well over 25 years now when I first read of him in the Canadian Newspaper called the Winnipeg Free Press, where in a little article in one page it read, ”Mystic light appears over young preacher baptizing in Ohio River.” I had just been saved, this must be a sign of the times, this must be a fact that Jesus is coming soon. I wished the newspaper could have told me what Brother Branham told me later, that out of that flaming fire a voice where thousands, three thousand people, fled screaming, fell down, cried to God, or seemed to almost pass into a trance, but the voice out of that cloud of fire said, Even as John the Baptist was the forerunner of the first coming of Jesus Christ, your ministry, not the man, but your ministry will be the for-runner of the second coming of Jesus Christ. *About 14 years ago, I learned concerning this man and what a great ministry he had, but in the last nine years that I’ve known him, six of those years I’ve grown progresssively more intimate and I believe I can speak as a bosom friend of Brother Branham who told me many secrets, discussed his ministry and discussed his own life.* And I say this tonight with a very equivocation and I say with all my heart as a sincere man of God,not as a man with a backlog with spiritual exploits so I can speak with great knowledge, but as a bosom friend let me say this, I have more confidence in Brother Branham and the ministry God gave him that I have ever had before. My friend, my brother, Brother Branham. Thank you very much. Lee Vayle |