Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence [is] fulness of joy; at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore.

    PSALMS 16:11

The Incarnate God and His Own Blood makes the Perfect Sacrifice.

Posted: 04 February 2024


Israel in Egypt P:38 [53-0325]

38 There was a time that you knew; your--your mind is darkened to that now. There's only been one Man on earth that knew that He was before, and that was Jesus. He said, "Glorify Me, Father, with the glory that I had with You before the foundation of the world." He was the incarnate God, He could move back there and know what it was. But our minds are blackened there.

Paradox P:125 [61-1210]

125 Jesus did the works of His Father because the Father was in Him. That's why the works was done, because that the Father was in the Son. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That in Him, He was the incarnate God. Do you believe that? That God the Father, which is the Father of Jesus Christ, the Great Spirit dwelt in the fullness of His power in Jesus Christ, which was the Tabernacle of God, made flesh and dwelt on earth, representing the Word. Jesus was the Word. The Bible said so, Saint John, 1st chapter. And the Words was invisible. Now, listen close. The Word was invisible until It was made flesh, and then the Word become visible.And through His sacrificial death at Calvary and His resurrection, positionally placed His Church in that realm, that the same invisible God could come into the individual and make the Word visible. Oh, my. I--I wish my church could get that. If you could see, friends, the invisible God made visible. Now, let's--let's study it again now.

Second seal the P:78 [63-0319]

78 That's what Judas Iscariot was. And what would--did he do? Was he one of the fellows that was against Christ? Why, he was the treasurer, walked with Him (Certainly.), walked right along with them, went out there, and cast out devils, and done just exactly what they did. And Christ was the incarnate God: God incarnate in flesh, Emmanuel. And Judas was the son of perdition as Jesus was Son of God. Incarnate God, incarnate devil... Some people only sees three crosses at that time. There was four of them. There was three on Golgotha that we see. That was Jesus in the middle, a thief on His left and a thief on His right. And watch.
One thief said to the other one, or said to Jesus, "If (Now, you know He's the Word.)..." But "If Thou be the Word, won't you save yourself? Won't you do something about it?" That's the same thing today.

Philadelphian church age P:91 [60-1210]

91 Now, let's see:Behold, I will... and they found them that they are liars, (that they do not have the Holy Ghost.)
Just one little thing here, please, while we're all together. Judas Iscariot, as I said last night, was the son of perdition. The Bible said he was born the son of perdition. Then when he... And Jesus Christ was borned the Son of God. Then God lived in Christ. Is that right? The... Satan lived in Judas. If He was the Son of God, borned the Son of God, the incarnate Son of God; then Satan was born the son of perdition: he was the incarnate--the son of perdition, Satan, the Devil.

Editor comments: The quote below really pound into this that the man Jesus Christ was God incarnate in flesh, and therefor the blood of Jesus Christ is God’s own blood. The only Perfect Sacrifice to once and for all purged us from our Original Sin. If Jesus was merely a man, then His blood cannot perfect us as it will not be a Perfect Sacrifice.

Third seal the P:48 [63-0320]

48 Now, God's Word promised became Blood and was incarnated in the Person of Jesus Christ the Saviour. The blood of bulls and goats and so forth... But now wait, here God made the promise, saying it would be there when It come. Her Seed should bruise the serpent's head. Now, if--if her seed, come just like from Adam or like it had been from the serpent and so forth, then it'd still be sinful seed.That's the reason John wept. There's no man, because no man--everybody was across the other side of the ditch, the chasm. But there's coming a time that when this substitute blood of animal would be done away with when the real incarnate Blood came: God, made flesh and blood. The Bible said He was. I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: for God was manifested in flesh..." That's right. The virgin birth did this.

Bible Scripture References

Act 20:28

Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

 Heb 9:12

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

Heb 13:12

Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate.

Rev 1:5

And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

(Editor comment: In all message quotes, the prophet said the same thing. God’s blood or the blood of God).

Reproach for the word P:87 [62-1223]

87 All right. Jesus' reproach for the Word. (And then we'll stop in just a minute.) Jesus was reproached for the Word. Look here. How could He stand the reproach, when He was the Divine, incarnate God? He was God Himself made flesh.Now, you know the Bible said so: we handled Him; Angels saw Him. Just think of that. I believe Timothy puts it something like that (See?), that... "Without contradiction great is the mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels."
Angels was at His birth. How the Angels must've looked down and rejoiced when they looked down over the manger and seen God incarnate. Amen. They, no wonder, they begin to scream, said, "Today in the City of David is born Christ the Saviour." Angels rejoiced, and they swung their big wings together, and over the hills of Judaea they sang, "Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will to men." They seen God's Word as they watched over to see It manifested; and there It was.

 The Sixth seal the P:127 [63-0323]

127 Notice, the last verse of the Sixth Seal opened. Those who had laughed at the preaching of the Word, of the vindicated Word of the living God... When them prophets that stood there and performed miracles, closed the sun, and everything else, and all down through the age... See? They cried for the rocks and the mountains to hide them (See?), to hide them from the Word that they'd laughed at, 'cause they seen Him coming. "Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb." He is the Word. See? They'd laughed at the Word, and here the Word was incarnate; and they'd made fun of It, laughed at them, made fun of them, and the incarnate Word had dropped forth. Why didn't they repent? They couldn't: too far then. So they knowed that the punishment... They hear it. They've set in meetings like this and knowed about it, and they know that the things that those prophets had predicted was looking them right in the face.

Paradox P:125 [61-1210]

125 Jesus did the works of His Father because the Father was in Him. That's why the works was done, because that the Father was in the Son. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That in Him, He was the incarnate God. Do you believe that? That God the Father, which is the Father of Jesus Christ, the Great Spirit dwelt in the fullness of His power in Jesus Christ, which was the Tabernacle of God, made flesh and dwelt on earth, representing the Word. Jesus was the Word. The Bible said so, Saint John, 1st chapter. And the Words was invisible. Now, listen close. The Word was invisible until It was made flesh, and then the Word become visible.And through His sacrificial death at Calvary and His resurrection, positionally placed His Church in that realm, that the same invisible God could come into the individual and make the Word visible. Oh, my. I--I wish my church could get that. If you could see, friends, the invisible God made visible. Now, let's--let's study it again now.

Paradox P:148 [61-1210]

148 I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, borned of a virgin, conceived, God in a womb, a Tabernacle in which He would dwell in. I believe that, in Christ, He is the incarnate God. He is God made flesh. When the Father God came into Jesus Christ, He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily; in Him dwells all the Fullness. God the Father spoke the Words. Jesus said, "It's not Me that speaketh, but My Father that dwelleth in Me. He doeth the speaking." Therefore upon that basis, Him being made flesh so He could die, God paying the penalty for the human race to redeem and bring up, and--and come, bring together the things that His Own creation had lost in the fall, He redeemed it back with His Own life.

Absolute the P:66 [62-1230M]

66 Then when we know that our actions is exactly with the Word, we know our teaching is perfect with the Word, adding nothing or taking nothing, just the Word; and we see the same results that others who anchored to the same Word living up in our life, then your anchor holds. The Life of Christ being reproduced in almost an incarnate way through you as it was in Christ, because it was God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. And you see God in yourself holding that same keel on the Word, just exactly the way Jesus did, and you see His Life..."The works that I do shall you do also. He that believeth... (Not him that maketh believe, he that thinks he believes, but he that believeth) He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." Why? He's anchored to the same Rock. What was the Rock? The Word, always. You're anchored there.

Influence P:93 [64-0315]

93 But many people just laid in the shadow of Him and was healed by their own faith. A little woman touched His garment and was made whole. How many knows that? Healing is based upon your faith. God's identification's based upon the promise of His Word. But your faith in his identification is what heals you. If you don't--no matter, the holiest man in all the world could stand here and pray all day long, it wouldn't do one bit of good until you believe it emphatically yourself.Jesus might be standing here Himself in the incarnate body, lay hands upon you, it still you would not get healed. How many knows that? Many mighty works He could not do because of their unbelief. That's Scripture. So you see, you in the prayer line, it's got to be your faith in the Word.

Melchisedec the great prince P:58 [55-0109M]

58 If He had no father, He had no mother, He had no beginning of days or ending of life, Melchisedec still exists. Is that right? Made on the order... Having no father, no mother, but was made like unto the son of God, abides a priest continually... He can't... He had no beginning. He has no end. He had no father; He had no mother, yet He was a man. And He came from Salem: ace. He was the King of peace. He was the King of righteousness. He was not only a King, but He was a Prince: and He is the Prince of peace. He's the Rose of Sharon. He's the Lily of the valley, the Morning Star, the Alpha, Omega; He that was, which is, and shall come, both Root and Offspring of David. He was before David, in David, and after David. Who was this Priest? None other than the incarnated Lord Jesus Christ.In His magnificent power He was the same One a little later on, after he met Abraham, and gave him, as being a covenant people, the Then now, through that same covenant, we take... And He was in a shadow, that Melchisedec, when He become a Man of flesh, would be cut into part, and the communion would be given the furtherance of His broken body, as we take today.

Greater than Solomon is here P:88 [63-0605]

88 See, now watch. In the wilderness when God led Israel through wilderness, He led the people through the wilderness by Christ. How many knows that? How many knows that the Angel of the covenant was that Pillar of Fire, was Jesus Christ? Certainly it was. He said... He told them there in St. John 6. They said He didn't look over fifty years old, and said, "Before Abraham..."He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." He was the I AM that was in the bush. And He said, "I..."
He... They said, "We drank in water from the rock," and He said He was that rock. Amen.
See, not "I was," "I am." He said, "I come from God and I go to God." Now, that same Pillar of Fire that was in the wilderness with the children of Israel was made flesh, incarnate God among us in a form of being the Son of God, that overshadowed the virgin and brought Him, so God could become human to die to pay the price of His own law. See? It's the Gosp

We would see Jesus P:31 [57-0226]

31 Now, notice, now when Jesus was here on earth, if we want to find out what He was, and see if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, when He was here on earth, did He claim to be a healer? No, sir, no. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works." That right? And then He said, "Verily, verily (Saint John 5:19)... Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." How many ever read that, Saint John 5:19?Then Jesus, Who could not lie, being God incarnate here on earth He could not lie, and He said that He did nothing until God, Who was in Him, showed Him first what to do. Now, that's either the truth, or it isn't the truth. I believe it's the truth.
Verily, verily I say unto you (Saint John 5:19):
the Son can do nothing in Himself (He's talking of the man.), but what I see, not what I hear, what I see the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise."

Jesus Christ the same P:56 [58-0323]

56 O God, may Your church all over this building, yield itself to You just now. And may the great Holy Spirit that's in the Person of the Lord Jesus, the incarnate Son of God, come into our beings and move us. And may the unbeliever look and see the Spirit of God moving in His true Church and say, "Truly, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever."Grant then that our hearts as in our former prayer, will be as we go home, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within as He made Hisself manifested? He done something." He did to Cleopas and his friend, in their presence just like He did before His crucifixion. Therefore they knowed no other man could do it. And they knowed He was the risen Son of God. Grant the same tonight, Lord. May Your children's heart be tender and open; for we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Just about seven minutes late.
Maybe we'll hurry. We're going to call a prayer line. I believe Billy told me he gave out T's or W's, which was it? T, prayer card T's. Now, let's begin tonight and just stand up a few people here and pray for them. And I want each person to look at your card and just...?... [Blank spot on tape--Ed.]

Inter veil P:8 [56-0121]

8 He said, "I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not do him no good. They couldn't heal him, and I brought him to You." No man will ever reach the plane that Jesus stood on. He was God, incarnate God, made manifest here on earth in flesh to give us what God was. God was in His Son reconciling the world to Himself. No man will ever reach that plane. He's God's only begotten Son.Or, "In Him dwelled the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Everything of God was in Christ. 

Editor: Due to size of the page, the rest of the text are cut off. Will post as a new post later. God bless you for reading.


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