I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

    PSALMS 37:25

I Was Not Disobedient Unto the Heavenly Vision II

Posted: 12 April 2012


(I have chosen as a picture caption, the contrast of these two pictures, it was reported that the brighter coloured one which was taken moments after this,  has many mysterious figures and I will leave it to the viewer to compare)...

We attended the meeting about 8:00 P.M. and found a large crowd there. Bro. Bill took his text from Rev., chapter 4, "The Seven Last Church Ages." His subject was, "Earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints." Bro. Stoney was asked to sing, "Dripping With Blood." The Spirit was present in his songs and we really enjoyed them. During these services every one was very quiet and listened intently to every word spoken. A few "Amens" were heard when Bro. Bill spoke of the, "Wood-shed" and "The painted-faced Jezebel's" of today, or of the signs of the times that were brought before them. The altar call was made for sinners and eighteen responded. We missed Sister Gertrude as she had been asked to play the piano and she was having a grand time in the Lord, playing and singing. Everyone was in one accord and the music was beautiful. A child of about six years of age cried aloud above the music, begging for the Holy Ghost. The call for the sick and afflicted was made and the aisles were crowded with people from other states as well as those from Missouri. People who had attended the tent meetings, saw and believed, then sent for members of their families who were ill, to come to Bro. Bill, for God answered his prayers.

All manner of illness was present: A man suffering from sinus trouble; a woman suffering with gall-stones; a boy with a glandular disease; a boy having defective vision; a little girl having crossed eyes (her little sister had been touched by the power of Jesus a few nights before); an old woman, having high blood pressure and stomach trouble; a woman having a large growth in her body; a little boy with a rupture; a man having astigmatism of the eyes; a woman having crippled arms. After being anointed, she raised her hands above her head and praised God for her healing. A young woman with her four children were anointed. A huge woman, weighing over 300 pounds, was anointed and prayed for. She was suffering from uremic poison which caused pain in her heart. A man suffering with arthritis arose and walked in Jesus' name. He appeared to suffer no pain. A young man, suffering with a throat condition, was unable to speak. He was anointed and able to say, "Jesus."

A very impressive case was that of a small child about three years old. He was colorless and limp as he was held on his mother's knee. He was unable to walk or sit alone. Special prayer was said for him, that God would heal the child. An old woman, wearing an earphone, removed it and praised the Lord for her hearing. A young girl, suffering from infantile paralysis, was brought directly from the hospital to the tent. She was helped in and removed the steel braces from her body. She was anointed and prayed for. She stood with arms above her head, then walked, crying and praising the name of Jesus, so thankful to walk again. Others anointed were suffering from arthritis, a tumor, nervous disorders, rheumatism, and such diseases not seen. And the Lord healed them all. It was wonderful to witness such miracles.

Little Mike, a child who had been anointed and healed, presented Bro. Bill with his picture. A woman brought her little boy up to show that the ruptured condition was now normal. A handkerchief was brought to be anointed by Bro. Bill, to be sent to a woman suffering with cancer. They testified of their healing until after 1:00 P.M. About 95 people were anointed and prayed for. We left the tent, tired but gloriously happy!

Saturday, June 23
Bro. Bill made some sick calls. One was to the home of a woman having a blood issue, and she was healed. That evening we had prayer and went to visit Bro. Daugherty for our last time while in Missouri. We planned to leave tonight after services or early in the morning. They were not home so we drove to the tent and found them. The band played "The Old Rugged Cross," and Bro. Daugherty and Bro. Bill left to make a sick call. The band played several numbers in their absence and everyone sang. Sister Dunlap came forward and led in prayer. Bro. Bill and Bro. Daugherty returned and announced this night as question night. All persons having questions on the Bible were to write them out, and Bro. Bill, with the help of God, would try to answer them. Bro. Daugherty then asked for a "Love Offering" for Bro. Bill, who was to leave the following day. Bro. Bill then started on the questions, which were a little difficult to answer, but it pleased everyone. He then took his text from St. John 14:18. He prayed for divine guidance that he would do what the Lord had planned for him to do.

Reports came in that sick people were on their way from other states to be prayed for. God answered prayer and Bro. Bill announced that he would stay awhile longer, as there was still work for him to do. Little Billy (Bro. Branham's son), began to cry because he knew he would have to leave for home without his father, but we were glad that Bro. Bill obeyed the voice of God.

The sick call was made and it seemed that the entire congregation began to move forward. But only 104 were anointed, because it was getting late. In the absence of the piano player, Sister Gibbs was called to play "Only Believe." Bro. Bill asked all to bow their heads and pray while he anointed and asked Jesus to heal their bodies. He also asked Jesus to walk with him as he left the platform.

In the group that came forward was a little child who was totally deaf. His hearing was restored. A woman came who had no feeling in her left foot; a woman having severe pain in her back; a man having obstruction of the esophagus so that he couldn't accommodate food passage; a woman blind since she was nine years old; a man, crippled walked without support. A woman, being able to walk without braces, praised the Lord! A minister, who could not raise his arms, was prayed for. He then raised his arms in the air and praised God. He was so thankful that he threw his arms around Bro. Bill and wept. A deaf woman heard! A young man, who was deaf, was restored to hearing without prayer. He had faith that the Lord would help him. A man, who had been there since noon that day, was prayed for and he gave God the praise for his healing. A child, suffering with a brain disorder, was touched. A woman, totally deaf in her left ear, heard Bro. Bill call the name of "Jesus." A woman, suffering with lock-jaw and arthritis, was instantly healed. She was able to open and close her mouth easily. A man deformed since birth, being unable to lift his arm, was prayed for and able to move his arms in all directions.

Diabetes, rheumatism, high-blood pressure, crippled bodies, growths on the face, crossed-eyes, etc., were among the afflicted. The crowd was so dense and pressing forward so, that Bro. Bill could hardly move from one to another to pray for them. Bro. Daugherty asked them to move back but they had to be forced back from the altar.

It was nearing 2:00 A.M. and Bro. Bill appeared exhausted, due to the heat and the intense strain on his body. Bro. Daugherty supported him while he anointed the ones that were left, praying for Jesus to help them. After all the sick and afflicted were anointed, handkerchiefs were brought to Bro. Bill to be anointed and prayed over, so they could be sent to the sick by mail.

It was a very sad moment when we had to say "Good-bye" to our newly-made brothers and sisters in Christ. We love them dearly and certainly hope to meet them in heaven, if not again while here on earth. I asked Sister Daugherty to continue the notes for this report in our absence. This she promised to do.

Sunday, June 24
We left the hotel at 6:30 A.M. and drove to Bro. Daugherty's home to say "Good-bye." He directed us across the bridge into Illinois where Sister Gibbs took the wheel and drove us back to Jeffersonville, Indiana. Bro. Bill stayed in St. Louis to continue the meeting in the tent, healing the sick and afflicted through the power of "Our Lord Jesus Christ." (Sunday, continued by Sister Daugherty.) To my dear Sister in Christ, Margie Morgan! In regards to the continuation of the vision given Bro. Bill by our Lord Jesus Christ.

We attended Sunday School and had a very good crowd. Many spoke of sending out of town for their sick and afflicted. Such a stirring we have never witnessed here before! We went to the home of a friend for dinner and later gathered together in the room to feast on the word of God. That night there was a great crowd at the tent when we arrived. My husband brought the message and preached on "Salvation of the Soul." Many responded to the altar call, and over a hundred waited for the healing service, which Bro. Bill announced later. Bro. Bill refused to preach any doctrine besides "Divine Healing" as that is his gift from God. So my husband relieved him and persuaded souls that had come for healing to give their hearts to God.

Approximately 75 persons were healed in the healing services. A woman had been deaf for about twenty years and received her hearing, even to a whisper. Another had been blind and could see the small brackets on the electric services about twenty yards away. One outstanding thing to my heart happened about 12:30 A.M. A minister from northern Illinois called out to Bro. Branham, "I have driven almost all day to get here with my little daughter, age twelve, who was born deaf. She has never heard a sound in her life. I was told how our Lord Jesus was answering your prayers and of the mighty works that were being done through His name." He presented his little girl and Bro. Bill anointed and prayed for her. He looked up, and said, "Please, dear Lord, restore hearing to this child in the name of Jesus Christ." The child jumped, threw her hands to her ears and ran crying to her father; she could hear. Her father, with tears falling down his cheeks, lifted his hands and gave Jesus thanks for her healing.

Many other healings took place that I have not mentioned. It was the greatest crowd that we have had during the meeting. We are told that officers of the city tried to keep a one-lane traffic open on the street. It was near 1:30 A.M. when Bro. Bill returned to the hotel.

Monday, June 25
Bro. Bill was called by some ministers of the city and asked if he would come back to St. Louis, Mo., and hold another service this winter. He told them that if the Lord permitted, he would.

Bro. Bill gave the sick call tonight and approximately 150 people responded. You should have seen this service for truly the bread of life was given them, according to Bro. Bill's vision four months ago, before our Betty was healed. We are still giving God the praise and always will! We feel that was how God had His way in bringing Bro. Bill to St. Louis the first time. There were so many miracles performed that I cannot remember them all, but here are a few for the glory of God. It truly seems like a dream, as there were ministers and doctors there to see these wonderful works of Jesus performed, One was a young woman about eighteen years of age, born deaf and dumb. She heard and spoke. A woman partially blind for about twelve years received her sight and could read perfectly without the aid of glasses. A woman about twenty-five years old, the victim of paralysis, wore braces on her body. She removed them and walked perfectly before the people. Many things of this nature took place. Another striking incident I wish to relate was that of two women. I did not get their names, but will, if you want them or any of the others, if you wish their testimonies.

These women, one aged 38, the other 46, were born deaf and dumb. Their minister came with them and said, "If these hear and speak, it can only be through the power of God," Bro. Bill prayed for them, calling over them the name of the Lord Jesus. The older one heard and immediately began smiling, pointing to her ears. The crowd began to glorify God for such miracles, One minister ran to the loud-speaker and called out, "I have read of it in the book, but now I see it before my own eyes." The younger woman didn't seem able to hear. Bro. Bill then left the older one, talking to the people on her fingers, saying she could hear. He cried out to the younger one and said,"Hear me, sister?" but she did not respond to his voice and just sat there deaf and dumb. Bro. Bill put his hands over her ears, and said, "Please, dear Lord Jesus, remove this deaf and dumb spirit from this woman, that all people may know that Thou art still the Great healer and that the days of miracles are not past. If Thy servant has found favor in Thy sight, hear my prayer, for I ask it in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord." Immediately, the woman jumped and began twisting her fingers in her ears. Bro. Bill said, "Now she hears but she has never heard sound or spoke before, not even making a noise when crying.

The tears just fall. She was given paper and pencil and nervously she wrote, "Something has happened to my head." Bro. Bill wrote back, "It's sound you heard and you can speak also. You make the same sound with your mouth as you hear from me." After reading the paper she looked at Bro. Bill, and he said, "Jesus." Then she imitated him and wrote that she would like for someone to teach her to talk. Then Bro. Bill looked at the older woman and told her to say "Praise the Lord." This she did the very best that she could. The younger woman pulled Bro. Bill's arm and pointed toward the loud-speaker, making a noise. She wrote, "Is that music coming out of there?" The band was softly playing, "The Great Physician."

Now remember, these women were born deaf and dumb, so all this was a new world to them. A boy about 28 years of age had his left leg drawn under him and his left arm twisted behind him, his hand twisted upward into a cup-like shape. He was born into this world deformed. His pastor, a Baptist minister who had known him from birth, brought him to the tent. Bro. Bill turned and saw him after the two women had been healed. He asked them, "Do you believe Jesus Christ the healer?" The boy said, "Yes, I do; I'm a Christian." Bro. Bill anointed the boy with oil, took him by the good hand, and said, "Brother, in the name of Jesus Christ, rise up and be healed." The boy's leg became straight immediately, his twisted hand and arm was stretched out whole before all present. The Baptist minister rushed to Bro. Bill, and said, "I'll apologize; I thought it was fanaticism! But only God could do these things that have been done here tonight!"

Many other healings took place but these are to let the world know that Jesus is still the same Jesus, yesterday, today and forever. He heals the sick just as He did in the days of long ago, if you will only believe. About 1:00 A.M. Tuesday morning, my husband and I took Bro. Bill to the bus station, where he departed for home, having received a telegram that a little girl about the age of Betty was calling for him. This little girl told her God-fearing parents that Jesus answers Bro. Bill's prayers, and she would be healed if he prayed for her. The doctors could not diagnose her case. When Bro. Bill appeared at the door of her hospital room and prayed for her, Jesus touched her body and she dressed and went home, sound and well! For information of the little girl's healing, write to Mr. Roy Slaughter, Jeffersonville, Indiana, R. R. 2. It was for the healing of a little girl that sent Bro. Bill to St. Louis, and it was for the healing of a little girl that brought him back, "Can you see how God works?"

There are many who can and will testify to these facts.
It is written in St. Matt. 18:16: "That in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."
Mrs. William Morgan, R. R. No. 2, Box 502, Jeffersonville, Indiana.
Mrs. Elmer Gibbs, 307 W. Main St., New Albany, Indiana.
Mrs. Robert Daugherty, 2009 Gano Ave., St. Louis, Mo.


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