A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.

    PRO 16:28

Full Whatsapp messages with a Follower of Richard Gan

Posted: 11 November 2019


6/24/19, 8:42 PM - Messages to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info.

6/24/19, 8:42 PM - Peter Wan: You deleted this message

6/24/19, 9:08 PM - +254 726 213xxx: God bless u. Is it Bro. Wan?

6/24/19, 9:10 PM - Peter Wan: Yes brother. I posted a wrong message. so I deleted it

6/24/19, 9:12 PM - +254 726 213xxx: It's ok

6/24/19, 9:26 PM - Peter Wan: Thank you brother
=========================================== Break =========================================================
9/7/19, 3:12 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Why did the angel who revealed the Apocalypse to John identify himself as a prophet (Rev.22:8-9)? 

9/7/19, 11:11 AM - Peter Wan: Rev 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: 
I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is 
the spirit of prophecy.

9/7/19, 11:13 AM - Peter Wan: One can do wonders claiming the other bible versions are more accurate, but nevertheless, 
God had seen to it, that His last two messengers stayed with the King James Bible but explained the meaning of the word "angel". 
Found in so many verses.....Rev 3:14  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, 
the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; ...............Rev 10:7  But in the days of the voice of the 
seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants 
the prophets.

9/7/19, 11:16 AM - Peter Wan: These scriptures about "angels" being messengers, a human fellowservant, a New Testament prophet, 
the spirit of prophecy literally dispelled Brother Andrew's attempt to deny the identity of the "angel" in Rev 22:8-9.  
When the angel Gabriel came to Daniel, he identified himself by name.

9/7/19, 11:48 AM - Peter Wan: And angels don't know about the gospel. They were never lost. ...So who is this angel in Rev 14?   
(Rev 14:6)  And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on
the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

9/7/19, 11:49 AM - Peter Wan: See, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, 
and kindred, and tongue, and people. Ah, a preacher....but who is this preacher? Brother Branham said, he was Martin Luther...
And the second one was John Wesley. Want to make a guess who is the Third angel?

9/7/19, 11:51 AM - Peter Wan: (Rev 14:7)  Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment 
is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
(Rev 14:8)  And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations 
drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

(Rev 14:9)  And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, 
and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

9/7/19, 1:23 PM - +254 726 213xxx: When I compared the different versions, it showed that the angel wasn't claiming 
to be a prophet but a fellowservant with John and the prophets.
Revelation 22:9
KJVLite Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I AM THY FELLOWSERVANT, AND OF THY BRETHREN THE PROPHETS, 
and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

and with those who keep the words of this book: give worship to God.

EasyEnglish But he stopped me. ‘You must not do that!’ he said to me. ‘I AM GOD’S SERVANT, LIKE YOU AND THE *PROPHETS, 
who are like your brothers. Yes, I am a servant like everyone who obeys God. God’s servants do what this book says. 
So *worship only God!’




and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”

9/7/19, 1:29 PM - Peter Wan: So is he a Christian?

9/7/19, 1:29 PM - Peter Wan: Testimony of Jesus Christ

9/7/19, 1:33 PM - +254 726 213xxx: 9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, 
and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

Let me expand this verse

9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and *_[a fellowservant]_* of thy brethren the prophets, 
and *_[a fellowservant]_* of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

I hope that makes it plain

9/7/19, 1:35 PM - Peter Wan: I was asking about Rev 19:10

9/7/19, 1:36 PM - Peter Wan: Rev 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: 
I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: 
for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

9/7/19, 1:37 PM - Peter Wan: By the mouth of two or three WITNESSS let every Word be ESTABLISHED

9/7/19, 1:39 PM - +254 726 213xxx: Rev 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, 
See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and *_[a fellowservant]_* of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: 
worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

9/7/19, 1:40 PM - Peter Wan: Yes, a fellowservant of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus, Worship God.

9/7/19, 1:40 PM - Peter Wan: Was John a Christian?

9/7/19, 1:41 PM - +254 726 213xxx: Of course

9/7/19, 1:41 PM - Peter Wan: So this angel is also a Christian. But can you see it?

9/7/19, 1:44 PM - +254 726 213xxx: Nope. Both Christians and angels are servants of God, that's why the angel could say 
i am your fellowservant.

9/7/19, 1:44 PM - Peter Wan: Ok, so look at what I wrote 14 January 2012. 

9/7/19, 1:45 PM - Peter Wan: Rev 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: 
I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: 
for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

9/7/19, 1:46 PM - Peter Wan: AND of thy brethren THAT HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST.

9/7/19, 1:47 PM - Peter Wan: The prophet William Branham told us, watch that comma and the conjunction AND. 
But if you chose not to see, I can't help you. You have to pray up.

9/7/19, 1:49 PM - +254 726 213xxx: Bro. Branham isn't my absolute.

9/7/19, 1:50 PM - Peter Wan: Sure, the bible is the absolute, but you also don't believe the bible, 
and quoted so many versions ...So which version of the bible is your absolute?

9/7/19, 1:52 PM - Peter Wan: How about in the dark ages, when they don't even have a bible to read? 
The printed bible came about only when the printing press was invented.. 
Before that, the scrolls were held by the only dominant church or orgainisation, the Harlot church. 
Until Martin Luther protested .....William Tyndale was burnt as a witch because he translated the bible.

9/7/19, 2:12 PM - +254 726 213xxx: I like KJV

9/7/19, 2:14 PM - Peter Wan: So tell me what you know about the parable of the mustard seed in Luke 11

9/7/19, 2:15 PM - Peter Wan: And Luke 14 :16-21

9/7/19, 2:36 PM - Peter Wan: My apologies, I mean Luke 13 not 11. Luk 13:19  It is like a grain of mustard seed, 
which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; 
and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it.

9/7/19, 2:37 PM - Peter Wan: Luke 14:16 to 22

9/7/19, 2:40 PM - Peter Wan: When we say the bible is our absolute, then the text, the word and the understanding 
should be very clear and cannot be refuted. That is the meaning of "absolute". 
If we have to refer to another source or another person to explain to us and we take their explanation as thus saith the Lord, 
then that person is your absolute and not the bible. But if you say you can pick and chose the person or the text or 
the bible version as your absolute, then you really do not have an absolute, and you are your own absolute...
which makes you God. Only God is absolute.

9/8/19, 8:07 PM - +254 726 213xxx: Allegations! Allegations! Just give me one place where Bro. Gan claimed to be higher 
than the prophet.

9/8/19, 9:49 PM - Peter Wan: Just read the context and the claimed to have revelations out of scripture. 
Incest of Ham for another. And I am sure that 'revelation' is taken out of sight now. 
What allegations?  He is just a phone call away. And probably half hour by cab or taxi 🚖

9/8/19, 9:51 PM - Peter Wan: And what about your absolute? You did not answer the two questions I asked about. 
So stop being an accuser and start talking about the absolute

9/8/19, 11:35 PM - +254 726 213xxx: My absolute is The Bible in all matters. No book but the Bible.

9/9/19, 12:07 AM - Peter Wan: Exactly, so explain to me the parable of the mustard tree in Luke 13, 
and the parable of Luke 14:16-24

9/9/19, 12:09 AM - +254 726 213xxx: If u meant revelations from the Scripture, i have found that it's true that 
Leviticus 18 interprets the story of Ham.

9/9/19, 12:11 AM - Peter Wan: And for added measure please tell me what was happening in Gen 14 "the covenant with Abram, 
the cutting of the animal sacrifice and why the birds were not cut? What is the meaning of the deep sleep, darkness, 
burning lamp and the change of Abram name to Abraham?

9/9/19, 12:13 AM - Peter Wan: And you say Mrs Noah at her age gave birth to Canaan? And that when the drunken prophet 
knew it was going to be a baby boy and even give the new supposedly conception, the name of Canaan.

9/9/19, 12:14 AM - Peter Wan: What did the absolute speak about you?

9/9/19, 12:14 AM - +254 726 213xxx: I don't know the interpretation of everything.

9/9/19, 12:15 AM - Peter Wan: Then you have not understood your absolute. I do

9/9/19, 12:17 AM - +254 726 213xxx: I know in part, only what God reveals to me.

9/9/19, 12:20 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Your question is speculative. To answer it one has to know the precise age when menopause 
happened to the pre-flood women, which will minister more questions that have no answer

9/9/19, 12:20 AM - Peter Wan: The very Bible you claimed to be your absolute did not speak of any additional male child after 
the flood. So where do you get that?

9/9/19, 12:21 AM - +254 726 213xxx: True, Noah didn't have any more male child after the flood.

9/9/19, 12:21 AM - Peter Wan: By Naoh or his wife. You are the one speculating.

9/9/19, 12:23 AM - Peter Wan: Read my account on the false teaching of Ham committing incest with his mother? 
That never comes from the Word

9/9/19, 12:23 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Even if I am. Moses in Leviticus (when he was talking about someone seeing his father's 
nakedness) wasn't speculating.

9/9/19, 12:24 AM - +254 726 213xxx: You have no scripture for Noah's wife having no children

9/9/19, 12:26 AM - Peter Wan: Sure but the other two brothers covered him up. Showing he was naked in terms of clothing. 
So applying Leviticus to that is speculation. No where in the Bible speaks of a drunken prophet could prophesy. 
In fact prophets are warned about being drunk.

9/9/19, 12:26 AM - Peter Wan: You don't have either

9/9/19, 12:27 AM - Peter Wan: Isn't that speculating

9/9/19, 12:29 AM - Peter Wan: The more you try to defend your idol, the more speculative you become. 
Based it on the Bible and you get your understanding

9/9/19, 12:34 AM - +254 726 213xxx: You haven't proved that Bro. Gan raised himself above Bro. Branham. 
You  just changed the topic. You have to prove your allegation, just give one instance please.

9/9/19, 12:36 AM - Peter Wan: Did not you said somewhere the apostle is higher than the prophet messenger? 
What did Jesus said of John the Baptist

9/9/19, 12:37 AM - Peter Wan: Is Richard Gan your new absolute even when he speculates?

9/9/19, 12:38 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Never did i say that

9/9/19, 12:39 AM - Peter Wan: Then let him answers for himself.

9/9/19, 12:41 AM - Peter Wan: I don't talk about another person to a third party that is so remote and trying to speak for another?
That's not scriptural. I published what I speak. It is there for all to read.

9/9/19, 12:54 AM - +254 726 213xxx: When The Lord said don't bear false witness, He knew that there'd be a time when this sin 
would be made rampant by there being the internet.

You say that you dont talk about another person to a 3rd party that's so remote. But isn't that what you did on that webpage? 
It doesn't make a difference whether it's over a coffee table or whether it's behind a screen, 
don't speak of things that you aren't sure of as though they are gospel truth.

9/9/19, 12:59 AM - Peter Wan: You got it wrong. The title was The False doctrine...... AND NOT FALSE PROPHET.

9/9/19, 1:00 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Neither have Bro. Gan nor Bro. Nice claimed to be among the seven voices/thunders yet you say 
that they do. I don't have to agree with them on their understanding of the seven thunders, 
but honesty demands that you don't make allegations against a person if you can't prove it brother!

9/9/19, 1:01 AM - Peter Wan: How do you know I was referring to the names you mentioned. Read what I wrote again.

9/9/19, 1:02 AM - Peter Wan: I did not give any names but somehow you yourself stick the names to me now.

9/9/19, 1:04 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Not naming doesn't give you a license to give out false allegations against them.

9/9/19, 1:04 AM - Peter Wan: Why? I never said Bro Nice claimed to be one of the seven men. 
But I did say such foolish claims of these seven have serious consequences as King Herod in Acts 15

9/9/19, 1:05 AM - Peter Wan: So why do you put their names in?

9/9/19, 1:07 AM - Peter Wan: Even Richard Gan himself asked me 'did I (Gan) claimed to be one of the seven? 
So why you tagged his name to it?

9/9/19, 1:08 AM - Peter Wan: So Gan is telling me he never said he was one of the seven thunders. Why do you think that he was?

9/9/19, 1:12 AM - +254 726 213xxx: IMG-20190909-WA0000.jpg (file attached)
Anyone who knows about Bro. Nice

9/9/19, 1:13 AM - +254 726 213xxx: I never thought that he was.

9/9/19, 1:16 AM - Peter Wan: And did you not notice I said he stayed in my apartment house as a guest for months. 
I not only provide some of his meals but also paid nearly $4,000 dollars for the apple notebook 
because the second time he lost it in Cairo and someone claimed to find it and want to sell it back to him.

9/9/19, 1:17 AM - Peter Wan: Bro Nice father even called to thank me for looking after his son.

9/9/19, 1:19 AM - Peter Wan: So why stick his name to be one. You realized your conversation has steered away from the absolute?

9/9/19, 1:20 AM - Peter Wan: Instead of the Word, some have leaned more on their dreams and 'vision'

9/9/19, 1:24 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Of course that's wrong.

9/9/19, 1:25 AM - +254 726 213xxx: If you hadn't posted that link i wouldn't have known about it.

9/9/19, 1:29 AM - Peter Wan: Well you were the one who sent me the link to Andrew Phiri who obviously is denying 
the office of the Spirit of Elijah. And when I read his article, he spoke about his trip to India and Singapore in April this year.

9/9/19, 1:30 AM - Peter Wan: Could it be maybe the Holy Spirit wants to let you see through those false presentations?

9/9/19, 1:31 AM - Peter Wan: The best anchor is to let the mouth of two if not three witnesses let EVERY WORD be ESTABLISHED

9/9/19, 1:42 AM - +254 726 213xxx: 🤣🤣🤣....he denies the spirit of Elijah!!!!!

9/9/19, 1:44 AM - Peter Wan: That was not what I wrote. Please read what I wrote before you add the cartoons though it 
could be you mean something else.

9/9/19, 1:48 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Sorry brother! It's not what you wrote.

9/9/19, 1:51 AM - +254 726 213xxx: But i find even what you wrote,( that he denies the office of the Spirit of Elijah) 
to be a very funny allegation. It clearly shows me that the problem is how you (mis)understand.

9/9/19, 1:55 AM - Peter Wan: The angel who showed John the visions in the book of Revelation identified himself as a prophet. 
He said to John, ‘I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets’ (Rev.22:9). Which prophet could this have been? 
Was it Elijah, Moses? And why was the prophet described as an angel? 
Could this justify the belief that when some holy people die they become angels?

9/9/19, 1:56 AM - Peter Wan: That was what he was trying to say that it was not a prophet but totally ignore Rev 19:10

9/9/19, 1:57 AM - Peter Wan: My two scripture tests

9/9/19, 2:02 AM - Peter Wan: Matthew 23:24 KJV — Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

9/9/19, 2:14 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Since you already know my stand on this and I know your stand. 
Let's not go over it again brother. Let that suffice!

9/9/19, 2:21 AM - Peter Wan: We both agree the Bible is our absolute. So you must have two scripture to establish the Word. 
Nothing else matters. If a person preach out of the Word, he is a liar 🤥

9/9/19, 2:23 AM - Peter Wan: Matthew 23:15 KJV — Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to 
make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

9/9/19, 2:25 AM - +254 726 213xxx: Rev 22:9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, 
and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

Let me expand this verse

9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and *_[a fellowservant]_* of thy brethren the prophets, 
and *_[a fellowservant]_* of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

I hope that makes it plain

Rev 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and 
*_[a fellowservant]_* of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is 
the spirit of prophecy. ****
That's the true understanding of those Scriptures.

9/9/19, 2:26 AM - Peter Wan: I am not referring to you my brother but to those who dislocate, misplace and misinterpret the word

9/9/19, 2:26 AM - +254 726 213xxx: I haven't taken it personally.

9/9/19, 2:30 AM - Peter Wan: He said he has the testimony of Jesus Christ, fellowservant. Like John. And John is a prophet too. 
Angels do not have the testimony of Jesus Christ because they were created before the birth of our Savior.

9/9/19, 2:32 AM - Peter Wan: Unless you are going to make another new doctrine that this angel was created 
to have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Look up the meaning of the word testimony

9/9/19, 2:47 AM - Peter Wan: It's 3 am here already so good night.

9/10/19, 1:35 PM - +254 726 213xxx: This message was deleted

9/10/19, 1:36 PM - +254 726 213xxx: Every preacher who died MUST HAVE CLAIMED to be one of the Seven Thunders or that 
he was a greater prophet than Branham. Even Branham must be a false prophet because he died, not as an old man but at age 56, 
in a terrible car accident. And that you, Peter Wan, will also die one day, because you claimed to know what you do not know, 
making yourself a liar and false teacher.

9/10/19, 4:11 PM - Peter Wan: Christians don't die. They sleep and then 1Thess 4:16. 
And together with the living wise virgins they enter into the joy of the Lord.

9/11/19, 2:55 PM - +254 726 213xxx: Leviticus 19

16  “‘You shall not go up and down as a slanderer among your people; neither shall you stand against the life of your neighbor. 
I am the LORD.
17  “‘You shall not hate your brother in your heart. You shall surely rebuke your neighbor, and not bear sin because of him.
18  “‘You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people; but you are to love your neighbor 
as yourself. I am the LORD.

9/11/19, 11:39 PM - Peter Wan: Amen. Brother.
Conversation with this brother ended on 11th Sep 2019 at 11:39 pm. No further conversation. Until received letter from Richard Gan 
referring to this but the brother only sent him parts of this full lengthy conversation...and not the whole. 
It started because having my contact info, from an earlier mis-sent text, he gave me the link to One Andrew C Phiri...who said, 
that Angel that spoke to John was a literal Angel....

Later I found Andrew also posted some of his stuff or was posted up in Prophetic Revelation, only after the brother sent me \
his article. I did not, I repeat I did not actively go and seek out these kind of sermons...The bible is good enough for me. 
What Paul preached. And Brother Branham himself has said so strongly even in the catching away behind the curtain of time, 
that he preached what Paul preached...Else the consequence of Gal 1:8 and 9. Let him be accursed. ...
Who are accursed? Those who preached another gospel from Paul. Who is by the way, the first messenger, or prophet messenger 
to Ephesian Church Age. (Notice that I refrained from saying Ganites but I put follower of Richard Gan, which is the right thing)


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